
• We accept all requests in the order in which they were received. This is to keep things fair.
• Payment of all products is to be up front, before the manufacturing or research is started. This is to ensure we don’t get stuck with your products if you go inactive or decide you don’t want them.
• Manufacturing takes time. When we issue the contract with the finished product we are going to include all manufacturing or research fees. These fees are separate from the cost of the production.
• There are no refunds if you decide you no longer want the product. If we make it at our cost and you decide it isn’t for you, you still pay.
• APP will issue all contracts to be completed within 72 hours. Any unaccepted contracts will be re-issued to the next buyer.
• APP is not responsible for the storage of your goods. If you expect us to wait for you, we expect storage fees for our trouble.


• All research costs 12,000 isk per hour + 15% for corp handling and POS fees. This is non-negotiable and must be paid up front before the research has begun.
• Refining for alliance members is free, pending station tax.
• (HAULING POLICY to be determined)

Legal Stuff

EVE as well as the EVE logo are property of CCP (the makers of EVE). We are just borrowing them.